Ever since I heard of marimo, a 'next-gen, open-source Python notebook,' I have wanted to try it out. Given the recent discussions on trade tariffs, I decided to use a dataset of annual simple average duty percentages downloaded from the WTO website.
I created a multi-tab data and visualisation display using the WebAssembly cloud notebook (create a free account here: https://marimo.io/sign-in). The native input and output elements make it easy to create dashboards and apps and share them with others.
Check it out: https://marimo.io/p/@shantala-mukherjee/notebook-1f9prn?show-code=false
There are some surprisingly high tariffs here—look at the Republic of Korea and 'Cereals and preparations' in the tab 'Viz - Reporting Economy'!
To view the code cells, click the three dots at the top right corner and then click 'show code.'
marimo is an exciting and novel way to develop and display apps, and I highly recommend trying it.
Thanks to Akshay Agrawal (https://www.linkedin.com/in/akshayka/) for building a great product.